Leadership Lessons from Glenn Burgess: Insights from a Wildfire Response Expert

In this blog post, we will explore the valuable leadership lessons and insights from Glenn Burgess, a seasoned wildfire response expert. With decades of experience in managing crisis situations and leading teams, Glenn shares his wisdom on self-mastery, decision-making, team support, and more. Whether you are a leader in the public or private sector, Glenn's expertise can offer valuable guidance in navigating challenging situations.

In this blog post, we will explore the valuable leadership lessons and insights from Glenn Burgess, a seasoned wildfire response expert. With decades of experience in managing crisis situations and leading teams, Glenn shares his wisdom on self-mastery, decision-making, team support, and more. Whether you are a leader in the public or private sector, Glenn’s expertise can offer valuable guidance in navigating challenging situations.

The Importance of Self-Mastery in Leadership

As a leader, it is crucial to have self-mastery, which entails managing emotions and stress levels effectively. Glenn, an experienced leader, stresses the significance of this skill, highlighting how it can positively impact one’s leadership capabilities.

A leader with self-mastery possesses a high degree of self-awareness. They are conscious of their own emotional state and can identify triggers that may negatively affect their decision-making or interactions with others. By being aware of these emotions, leaders can better control their responses and make more rational choices.

Furthermore, self-mastery allows leaders to handle various emotions when engaging with different individuals or when faced with challenging situations. Leadership often involves dealing with diverse personalities, and having the ability to remain calm and composed can enhance the effectiveness of communication and problem-solving.

Developing empathy, vulnerability, and compassion are also essential aspects of self-mastery for leaders. Empathy enables leaders to understand and relate to the perspectives and feelings of others, fostering better relationships and collaboration within the team. Vulnerability allows leaders to connect with others on a deeper level, promoting trust and authenticity. Compassion enables leaders to demonstrate care and concern for their team members, creating a supportive and motivating work environment.

In conclusion, self-mastery is an integral aspect of effective leadership. It involves managing emotions and stress levels, cultivating self-awareness, and developing empathy, vulnerability, and compassion. By mastering oneself, leaders can build stronger connections, better understand the perspectives of others, and make more informed decisions. Ultimately, self-mastery contributes to creating a positive and thriving organizational culture.

Balancing Empathy and Command in Decision-Making

In the world of leadership, there are many different approaches to decision-making. Some leaders prefer a more authoritative and commanding style, while others value collaboration and empathy. Glenn falls into the latter category, firmly believing in the importance of engaging the right people and considering the impacts on others when making decisions.

One of the key aspects of Glenn’s leadership style is the balance between empathy and command. He understands that empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and this understanding is crucial when making decisions that affect different stakeholders. By taking the time to put himself in the shoes of others, Glenn is able to make more informed choices that take into account the needs and concerns of all parties involved.

However, Glenn also recognizes that leadership requires a level of command and control. In order to effectively lead a team or organization, there needs to be a clear vision and direction. Without a strong guiding force, decision-making can become fragmented and ineffective. Therefore, Glenn combines empathy with the necessary assertiveness to ensure decisions are made efficiently and effectively.

One of the ways in which Glenn practices empathy and effective decision-making is by thinking before speaking. Instead of rushing to make a decision, he takes the time to consider different perspectives and weigh the potential consequences. This thoughtful approach allows for more well-rounded decisions that address the needs of all stakeholders.

Additionally, Glenn actively listens to feedback and encourages open communication within his team. He understands that no leader has all the answers, and that the best solutions often come from collective input. By fostering an environment of collaboration and feedback, Glenn ensures that decisions are made with the benefit of diverse perspectives.

In conclusion, Glenn’s approach to decision-making is rooted in balancing empathy with command and control. By engaging the right people, considering the impacts on others, and practicing active listening, Glenn is able to make informed decisions that benefit the entire team or organization.

Leadership requires self-care, especially in long-term crisis situations:

In times of crisis, leaders often find themselves bearing significant responsibility and facing immense pressure. It is during these challenging moments that self-care becomes crucial for leaders to effectively lead and inspire their teams. Glenn, a renowned leadership consultant, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care strategies to maintain physical and mental well-being.

Limiting shifts:

One of the key aspects of effective self-care for leaders is limiting their shifts. Long hours and continuous work without ample breaks can lead to exhaustion and burnout. Glenn suggests that leaders should create a schedule that allows for adequate rest and personal time. By setting boundaries and committing to a reasonable work schedule, leaders can sustain their energy levels and perform at their best.

Prioritizing proper nutrition:

The fuel for effective leadership lies in proper nutrition. Glenn advises leaders to pay attention to their dietary habits and ensure they consume a balanced diet. Eating nutritious meals and staying hydrated helps in maintaining energy levels and supports cognitive function. By prioritizing healthy eating habits, leaders can enhance their physical well-being, leading to increased focus and productivity.

Taking care of physical and mental health:

In times of crisis, it is essential for leaders to take care of their physical and mental health. Engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, seeking support from mentors, therapists, or support groups can provide a valuable outlet for leaders to address any emotional challenges they may face.

Managing expectations:

An important aspect of self-care for leaders is managing expectations. It is essential to recognize that no leader can solve every problem or address every challenge alone. Leaders should communicate openly with their teams, delegating tasks and clarifying priorities. Setting realistic expectations for oneself and others helps in reducing stress and ensuring a healthy work-life balance for everyone involved.

Celebrating success:

Amidst the chaos and intensity of crisis situations, leaders must take a moment to celebrate success. Recognizing achievements, both big and small, boosts morale and fosters a positive team spirit. Whether it is acknowledging individual contributions or commemorating milestones as a team, celebrating success helps maintain motivation and overall team satisfaction.

Taking breaks:

Leaders should not underestimate the importance of taking breaks. Stepping away from work, even if only for a few minutes, can help recharge the mind and prevent burnout. Whether it is going for a short walk, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a hobby, taking breaks allows leaders to return to their responsibilities with renewed focus and energy.

Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for leaders, especially during times of crisis. Prioritizing self-care strategies such as limiting shifts, prioritizing nutrition, and taking care of physical and mental health is vital. By managing expectations, celebrating success, and taking regular breaks, leaders can effectively lead their teams through challenging circumstances while ensuring their own well-being and overall success.

Maintaining a Sense of Urgency

One of the biggest challenges for leaders in longer duration operations is maintaining a sense of urgency among the teams. As time goes on, it’s natural for complacency to set in and for people to become less motivated. However, it is crucial to keep the momentum high and ensure that everyone is fully engaged in the task at hand.

To combat this, Glenn suggests finding ways to break up the monotony. This can be done by introducing exciting and challenging tasks intermittently, which will keep the teams on their toes. Additionally, providing opportunities for relaxation and downtime is important to avoid burnout and maintain a positive mindset.

Managing Mental and Physical Fatigue

Extended operations can take a toll on the mental and physical well-being of the teams involved. It is essential for leaders to be aware of this and take the necessary steps to manage fatigue effectively. Encouraging regular breaks, ensuring proper rest and sleep, and providing access to support resources such as counseling or mental health services can make a significant difference.

Moreover, leaders should actively monitor the mental and physical health of their teams and encourage open communication. Creating a culture where team members feel comfortable discussing their challenges and seeking help can greatly contribute to their overall well-being during extended operations.

Controlling the Narrative and Social Media Management

Another aspect of managing the tone and tempo of operations is controlling the narrative and effectively managing social media presence. In today’s digital age, public perception can greatly impact the success of any operation.

Leaders should be proactive in shaping the narrative surrounding their operations. This can be achieved through regular communication with the public, providing accurate information, and addressing any misconceptions or concerns. By taking control of the narrative, leaders can influence public opinion and garner support for their cause.

Social media also plays a crucial role in public perception. Leaders should actively manage their social media presence, engage with the audience, and respond to any inquiries or feedback. By effectively managing social media, leaders can build trust, credibility, and maintain a positive image throughout the operation.

5. Decision-Making in Crisis Situations

In this section, Glenn shares valuable insights on decision-making, particularly in the context of crisis situations. He emphasizes the critical importance of understanding the impacts and consequences of decisions made during turbulent times. Effective decision-making requires a thoughtful and strategic approach that takes into account various factors.

One of the key steps Glenn highlights is the need to engage stakeholders. In times of crisis, it becomes even more crucial to include different perspectives and gather input from those who are affected or have relevant expertise. By involving stakeholders, leaders can gain a better understanding of the situation and make more informed decisions.

Considering cascading events is another crucial aspect of decision-making in crisis situations. Leaders should not only focus on the immediate consequences of their decisions but also anticipate the potential chain reactions that might follow. By thinking through the ripple effects, leaders can better prepare and mitigate any unforeseen consequences.

Conducting a cost-benefit analysis is also essential. Leaders should carefully evaluate the potential risks and rewards associated with each decision. This analysis enables leaders to weigh the pros and cons, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and minimizing any adverse impacts.

Glenn also highlights the importance of not waiting for 100% of the information before making decisions. In crisis situations, time is often of the essence, and delays can hinder progress. While thorough research and analysis are important, leaders sometimes need to trust their gut instincts and take action based on the best available information at the time.

It is vital for leaders to take calculated risks and make well-informed decisions during crises. By considering the impacts, engaging stakeholders, anticipating cascading events, conducting cost-benefit analysis, and trusting their instincts, leaders can navigate through challenging situations with confidence and resilience.

6. Lessons for the Private Sector

While Glenn’s expertise lies in wildfire response, the principles of decision-making and leadership remain applicable in the private sector. Waiting for all the information can lead to missed opportunities, and taking imperfect action is often better than inaction. Glenn’s experience and knowledge can offer valuable insights for leaders facing crises in any industry.

In the fast-paced world of business, leaders often find themselves facing difficult decisions with limited information. It’s tempting to wait for all the facts before taking action, but in reality, this approach can lead to missed opportunities. Just like in wildfire response, leaders in the private sector need to make decisions based on the information available at the time. Waiting for complete information may result in delays that could have been avoided.

Glenn understands the importance of taking imperfect action. In the face of a wildfire, there is no time to wait for the perfect plan. Firefighters must act quickly and adapt as the situation unfolds. The same is true for leaders in the private sector. Inaction can be more damaging than imperfect action. Making a decision and learning from it can lead to valuable insights and pave the way for future success.

Glenn’s experience in wildfire response can offer valuable lessons for leaders in any industry. The ability to make decisions under pressure, prioritize resources, and adapt to changing circumstances are skills that are applicable in any crisis situation. By studying Glenn’s approach to leadership, private sector leaders can gain insights into effective decision-making and learn how to navigate through uncertainty.

To summarize, Glenn’s expertise in wildfire response provides valuable lessons for the private sector. Leaders must be willing to make decisions based on limited information, take imperfect action, and learn from their experiences. By applying these principles of decision-making and leadership, leaders in any industry can navigate crises more effectively and seize opportunities that arise.


Glenn Burgess’s wisdom and service in wildfire response provide valuable lessons for leaders in any sector. From self-mastery and empathy to decision-making and team support, his insights can guide leaders in navigating crisis situations. By prioritizing self-care, managing expectations, and making well-informed decisions, leaders can effectively lead their teams and achieve success.

During a crisis, leaders are faced with immense pressure and uncertainty. It is essential for leaders to prioritize self-care in order to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Glenn Burgess’s experience in wildfire response highlights the importance of taking care of oneself in order to effectively lead others.

Furthermore, demonstrating empathy towards those affected by the crisis is crucial. Understanding the emotions and needs of team members and individuals impacted by the situation allows leaders to provide the necessary support and create a sense of unity.

Effective decision-making is another key aspect highlighted by Burgess’s insights. By gathering all relevant information, analyzing it objectively, and considering the potential consequences, leaders can make well-informed decisions that align with the overall goals and values of their organization.

Supporting and empowering the team is also vital in crisis situations. By fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment, leaders can motivate their team members to work together towards a common objective. Providing the necessary resources, guidance, and clear communication helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and able to contribute effectively.

In conclusion, Glenn Burgess’s wisdom and service in wildfire response offer valuable lessons for leaders in any sector. By prioritizing self-care, managing expectations, and making well-informed decisions, leaders can navigate crisis situations successfully and lead their teams towards achieving success.